Monday, August 26, 2013

Exposure therapy anyone?

Today we drove to the Ceiba aka really old ass tree. It's around 400 years old and manages to look like a house and cankles at the same time . If you don't know what cankles are.... Lemme just say you don't want them. We drove through sun bay and media luna beach in hopes to get to navio beach. All on the word of a bar tender saying it was the best beach ever. We had him inspect the little Suzuki the night before to see if he thought it would make it. He must have just smoked crack because we got part way and we had to turn around. Feeling one part defeated and the other part concerned we wouldn't make it back. We decided to chill at Media Luna and it was gorgeous and calm . The map gave the impression that you could walk to navio from there but that wasn't the case. Chris went to explore a potential path way and I stayed and read alone on the beach. Kinda worried he might fall of a cliff and also worried I might be kip napped . One of these is a valid fear. Just as he came back a car pulled up and two cute girls camped out on the beach. He eventually went over to talk to them and ( since they had a SUV) convinced them to drive us to the other beach. The man is a magician . At times while driving I didn't think their car was gonna make it and am pretty sure they dented the bottom but the beach was cool. We swam inside a cave ! It was so scary for me but we did it and since Chris put his phone in a plastic bag we actually have proof ! Then I chilled on the beach while he swam and explored the other cliffs and at one point jumped off a cliff and I was to scared to watch . Then he body surfed in like James Bond and I'm pretty sure if the two girls weren't lesbians they would have lost their shit but they kinda did anyways . They gave us a ride back to our car after a hour or so and we said our good byes and then went home to eat boxed Mac and Cheese . Why did auto correct capitalize Mac and Cheese? We also did the bio bay tour today but that's a whole other story.
   PS. I drank 3 beers after the bio bay tour so I hope this makes sense

Sun Bay and cave

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